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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags javascript & web


Web Audio Demos

by 1 other
A collection of web audio demos

Hallo.js - Distraction-free Rich Text Editor for the Web

A rich text editor which has the great quality of being light, simple and fast while still being a pleasure to use.

Faye: Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

A publish-subscribe messaging system, which provides message servers for both Node.js and Ruby. Clients are available for all the major typical consumers. The full stack implements several protocols, and comes with a wide range of adapters.

Running JavaScript inside PHP code | Web Builder Zone

A first feedback about the usage of V8js from inside PHP


Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development

by 1 other
A nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.

Socketbug - Mobile Web Application Debugging

Socketbug is a Remote Debugging Utility built using Socket.IO, which allows to use modern browsers to remotely debug mobile Web applications.

TweeterFall – Web Workers

A web workers tutorial, for implementing a Twitter fall in a web page.

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

by 3 others
An introduction to the JavaScript programming language, by Marijn Haverbeke. Very complete, extensive, and well-written resource. Must read for every intern in web developement ! :-)

Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

by 13 others
A js graphical library for drawing charts. It stands on top of jQuery, MooTools or Prototyp, depending on the host project fundations, and provides a large serie of nice colored animated charts.


mnutt/hummingbird @ GitHub

by 2 others
Hummingbird lets you see how visitors are interacting with your website in real time, using WebSockets. Hummingbird is built on top of Node.js, a new javascript web toolkit that can handle large amounts of traffic and many concurrent users.


by 6 others
node.js allows the use of javacript on the server side, in a fresh and elegant way


jQTouch — jQuery plugin for mobile web development

by 12 others
A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, and other forward-thinking devices. It features image preloading, animations, themes, swipe detection and callback events. A must-use for light IPhone developement.

JQuery File Upload Plugin Script - JQuery File Upload Script - Uploadify

by 7 others
Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that allows the easy integration of a multiple (or single) file uploads on your website

svgweb - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 4 others
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target ~95% of the existing installed web base.

jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web

by 12 others
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important js user-interface components. It defines itself as THE web js UI library, and explains that "do you really need drag-and-drop, resizable windows or sortable tables in your web applications? Websites are not desktop applications. They are different.". Just a pinch at jQuery UI ?

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » A New Memory Tool for the Web

When the web developer's life will begin to be at a memory level, we'll start seeing disappear crappy web apps. And crappy webdevs.

Flowplayer - Flash Video Player for the Web

A sexy video player solution under GPL license. Provides javascript-flash binding, CSS animation, and several streaming plugins.

cufón - fonts for the people

by 8 others (via)
Another javacript text replacement library. Like typeface, it works using a pure javascript solution, and it doesn't allow for text selection.


typeface.js -- Rendering text with Javascript, <canvas>, and VML

by 12 others
Typeface is a js library that permits to render text in custom fonts without using flash or images. Else, it uses canvas, VML or SVG. It has the disadvantage of not allowing to select the text for copy-pasting (while siFr allows it).

Cappuccino Web Framework

by 5 others
Cappuccino is an open source Objective-J application framework for developing applications that look and feel like the desktop software users are familiar with. Objective-J is a programming language which is modelled after Objective-C and built entirely on top of JavaScript.

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers.

SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web

by 13 others (via)
SoundManager 2 is an attempt at providing the sound API which Javascript has been missing. It's a Javascript library which wraps and extends Flash's sound capabilities, bringing cross-platform audio functionality to Javascript.


Digital Web Magazine - Seven JavaScript Techniques You Should Be Using Today

by 2 others
In this article, we’ll demonstrate seven techniques you can add to your daily code writing habits to make you a better programmer.


Tabulator: Async Javascript And Semantic Web

The tabulator project, the alpha and the omega of the semantic Web ?